Hello, my name is Phil...and I'm a BBQ addict. Here's where you say out loud, "Hello Phil".
I mean no disrespect to recovering addicts. Obviously, a BBQ addiction is quite different.
One of the biggest differences is that a BBQ addict has no interest in getting better, but rather just the opposite. They enjoy going deeper and deeper into that abyss called BBQ.

They're never satisfied with their cooks. Always trying new techniques, sauces, rubs, grill temps, wood species, wrapping, not wrapping, etc. It's enough to drive your spouse crazy. I know it does mine.
Isn't it funny (or maybe sad) that even when they smoke something that comes out really good, those pesky negative thoughts still creep up...
- It was alright, but it could've been better
- Should have cooked it a bit longer (or shorter)
- I wonder if my thermometer is off?
- Maybe I should wrap (or not wrap) next time?
- I wonder if cooking at higher (or lower) temp would be better?
- <insert another second guess here>
If any of this sounds familiar, then you my friend are an addict too.
The good news is that you have found a home at Follow my Smoke BBQ.
All my recipes will have tons of detail, pictures, and easy to follow directions. No detail will be spared. I put it all out there, for better or worse.
So don't be shy about leaving a comment. BBQ can be done many different ways and I would love to hear your feedback. The good, the bad, and even the snarky.
And the site has more than just recipes, the BBQ Knowledge category has various helpful information that any BBQ enthusiast will enjoy and maybe even learn something.
So take a look around and let's have some fun making great BBQ!
My BBQ Background
My smoking meat obsession started in 2008. That is when I purchased an 18" Weber Smokey Mountain grill. It was after that first bite of baby back ribs, I was hooked.
I remember thinking, "This is really good. So much better than what I get when I eat out".
From that moment on, I was obsessed with smoking.
Spending hours online, reading the forums, and the Smoking Facebook groups. Learning new techniques and trying new recipes. Always pushing the boundaries of traditional BBQ.
I am sure many of you do the same things. That's why you're here.
I even went through the 'I need a new smoker' phase in my life. At one point I owned all the smokers below.
- Weber Smokey Mountain
- A simple Weber kettle (Yes you can smoke on them)
- Big Green Egg
- Green Mountain Pellet Grill
- And the pièce de résistance...a Shirley 24 x 36 offset smoker
I have since sold most of these off and do the bulk of smokes on my Shirley offset. The flavor it produces is so much better than what I was getting from my other cookers.
And I enjoy the fire management side of smoking meat. Nothing beats watching your blue smoke pour out while enjoying the day and sipping an adult beverage(s).
Rest assured though, that regardless of your smoker or your BBQ experience, my recipes will have you smoking amazing foods in no time.
Personal info
I am in my late 50's and live in central Wisconsin. I am happily married and have three wonderful adult children. All of whom thankfully like BBQ.
Outside of smoking meat you'll find me golfing, hiking, fishing, or enjoying a cold beer or a 'Wisconsin' Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet. (A Wisconsin staple)
I am currently retired, but my professional background was in sales. I worked for a large company and traveled quite a bit. After 30 years of that, it got very old. Thankfully, my wife convinced me to hang it up.
That says a lot, considering she continues to work...and provide the health insurance - thank gosh for that!
Now I can fill up my days smoking meat and share all the details with YOU.
I hope you enjoy the site and as always …
Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em!